Lusty Beltane!
May 1st ushers in the Pagan Sabbat, Beltane (or Beltaine), a festival that screams, “It’s the peak of spring so let’s have a lusty good time!” This holiday falls halfway between the Spring Equinox in which we celebrated Ostara, (along with its totems, which included the hare, eggs and all dairy goodies from our sheep and cow kin), and the upcoming Summer Solstice when we will celebrate Litha along with the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.
Beltane is associated with May Day. May Baskets are filled with goodies and usually bestowed upon someone in need of care or just someone dear to the giver. May Poles are erected, representing the phallic symbol of male virility decorated with a colored ring of ribbons at the top representing the fertile goddess. Participants of all genders join together at the pole weaving themselves in and out around the pole with each participant holding a colorful ribbon in hand. The end result is a vibrant pole that is decked out in a lovely pattern full of color and texture. Many female celebrants sport eye-catching crowns made out of flowers and greens. And a bonfire is usually a welcome addition to the celebration especially as the evening wears on. Songs are sung and dances are usually lively as we celebrate the day and the Celtic sun god Bel, also known as the Bright One.
Ways to celebrate beyond the aforementioned, include leaving goodies in the wooded areas for the fairies. In case you don’t know, fairies love chocolate, but be sure to take off the wrappers. If you’re a baker you may want to make some fairy cakes to enjoy with your friends in addition to leaving some out for the fairies. Toasting and drinking some dandelion wine or honey mead would also add to your celebration. Why not have a Beltane picnic in the woods, by a lake or in a meadow? If you want to include an art project to celebrate this holiday, consider making a biodegradable fairy house. The nature spirits would welcome this addition to any backyard or wooded area. Gather tree bark, sticks, stones and leaves as you find them and get going on your construction project. And, last but not least, it would be in keeping to have some wicked good sex, for after all, it is the lusty month of May.